Maternity tickers

 BabyFruit Ticker

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Boy or Girl

I had a doctor appointment Friday, December 23. Through a series of misunderstandings, we thought I was going to have a sonogram and find out the sex of the babies. Well I didn't have a sonogram and we didn't find out. Tyler was all bent our of shape about that and wanted to know. So finally last week I remembered to tell him that there are places you can go and just buy a sonogram. So we went...

Baby A is a...


Baby B is a...


This picture is kinda cool because you can see Baby A's head on the right.

Boy and least we will be able to tell them apart.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I think I am past the morning sickness!

Today is Wednesday, on Sunday I said to Tyler at about 5pm, "Hey, I don't feel nauseous! And I don't think I was nauseous yesterday either." I puked on Friday and on Saturday I was 13 weeks, so it's about time to be done with the sickies.

I was sitting at my desk just now and I am pretty sure I felt a baby kick. It seems really early, but maybe because there are two in there, it's less room so more movement. Who knows... I'll see if it keeps up.

Monday, December 5, 2011


Went to the perinatologist today. We know nothing more than there are still two babies, 4 arms and 4 legs. They moved my due date to June 16th, which is more in line with what I thought it should be. All the measurements looked good and the babies looked healthy.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Still sick, in case you were wondering

I'm highly confident that if I don't start feeling better soon, I might slit my wrists.

PS - I'm just being dramatic because I feel like crap.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Sick mama

When I'm at the toilet throwing up Mallory is so sweet. She will come to me and pat my back. It's like it's some sort of human instinct to be nice to the sick guy.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Feeling bettter

I have been feeling like absolute crap for about a month. Nauseous all day and throwing up at least once a day. When you are sick it's really hard to get excited about anything. However, on Monday I felt much better and all week I have been less nauseous. It's nice to feel semi normal again for a bit.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Because I don't know when my last period was, I had to get a sonogram to determine the due date of the baby. Here's a picture...

In case you are wondering why that looks different from the normal sonogram, it's because there are two babies in there. That's right, I said two, as in twins. So I was freaking out about one because we weren't really trying and it was sort of an accident, and our accident is now twins. Yesterday I was in shock, today I think I'm starting to accept it.

PS - the due date is June 20, 2012.